

Dear FSL Experts,
*How group analysis & statistics can be done from >1 subject's
classification results (seeds_to_*).  & normal one seed (fdt_paths.nii)
results from multiple subjects.

>find_the_biggest seeds_to_*.* biggest.nii
>mri_binarize --i biggest.nii --match 1 --o s1_1.nii

>fslmaths 1_biggest_subject01.nii -add 1_biggest_subject02.nii *-div* 2

Should I first sum all the seeds_to_* with same identity, and then run
for group. or Should I run find_the biggest for individual and group these
results by adding them.

calculation of number of streamlines & connectivity value, should it be
done on individual subject for all seeds_to_* , and then calculate a mean
for group ?

3) one seed tracking results group track generation:
>fslmaths fdt_path_subject_001.nii -add fdt_path_subject002.nii *-div 2 *

Is this fine ?

Thank you