Virginia Commonwealth faculty and the non-profit Georgia R School have scheduled two live, synchronous, interactive, 5-week online jan-feb courses: (1) Fundamentals of Using R; and (2) Introduction to Graphics with R. Each course is essential to anyone who intends to use R for any purpose whatsoever. Each course meets for 3 hours weekly for 4 weeks after an initial 'pre-session' orientation meeting. Registration costs per course (USD): $225 student; $295 faculty; and $325 practitioner, includes live participation, all slides, exercises, data sets, and class materials, and complete, permanent, desktop recordings of all audio and video from the live, online class sessions.

A PDF description of the Fundamentals of Using R course is here: 

The AM and PM Fundamentals course informational / registration websites are here:

(AM); and


A PDF description of the Graphics course is here: 

The Graphics course informational / registration website is here:

Please note that it is our policy to allow no-cost training in R for underserved medical personnel in developing countries. Most of this training is arranged through our association with Statistics Without Borders (see below). Contact Geoff for details.

There is more information at Please email questions to [log in to unmask].

Geoff Hubona, Ph.D.

Information Systems Department

Virginia Commonwealth University

Statistics Without Borders

Statistics Without Borders is an non-profit organization under the auspices of the American Statistical Association, comprised entirely of volunteers, that provides pro bono statistical consulting and assistance to non-profit organizations and government agencies in support of health issues (broadly defined).