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Upcoming seminar:  "Researching embodiment in digital environments: opportunities and challenges"

Lead: Professor Carey Jewitt/Dr Sara Price - Institute of Education
Date: 14th March 2012, 11:00-15:00
Location: Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
Fee: £20
To register for this seminar please visit our online registration site<> and for more information please contact Anna Waring.<>

MODE<> is a node of the National Centre for Research Methods<> and funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. Based at the Institute of Education, University of London, we deliver an innovative programme of research and training on digital data and environments. We are developing multimodal methodologies for social scientists, providing systematic ways to investigate all modes of communication used in digital environments, whether they are sites of learning, work, or 'social' sites (e.g. Facebook).
The objectives of MODE are to

 1.  Establish a strategic focal point for the development, delivery and dissemination of multimodal methodologies, training and capacity building;
 2.  Set up and carry out research in digital environments to try out and develop new multimodal methodologies;
 3.  Provide a coherent program of training and capacity building activities in multimodal methodologies for social science researchers;
 4.  Build a social science research community that enhances the UK's profile and leading position in multimodal methodologies and digital technologies.
