

Hi Antoine,

> Thanks, Pete! I think it is clearer to me, now.
> Though it may look weirder, in a way. The production rules are the same for
> DC-Text, aren't they? I is just the mapping to RDF that changes.

Ah, OK. I guess I misunderstood what you meant by production rules :)

> In that case, I would have rather expected the distinction to be made
> strongly in DCAM (where is matters, if one wants a good alignment with RDF
> there)

I think this was the motivation (or one of them) for introducing the "non-literal value surrogate" and "literal value surrogate" containers.

 The previous version of the DCAM

omitted them and it wasn't clear whether "value string" was supposed to map to 

(a) the simple single triple, literal-as-object case
(b) the two triple, second triple with rdf:value predicate and literal object case
(c) sometimes (a) and sometimes (b) depending on whether other components were present (!)

> and hidden in DC-Text (where it does not really matter, unless DC-
> Text is meant as a complete implementation of DCAM and all the distinctions
> it could make).

DC-Text was intended to be a complete implementation of DCAM.

IIRC, I/we did briefly toy with including constructs like

Statement (
  LiteralValueSurrogate (
    ValueString( )

Statement (
  NonLiteralValueSurrogate (
    ValueString( )

but it just seemed simpler to "flatten the structure down" to

Statement (
  LiteralValueString( )

Statement (
  ValueString( )

It's probably not ideal, or at least it's probably incomplete in a "formal" sense, e.g. I think we left undefined how/whether to interpret "contradictory" cases like

Statement (
  LiteralValueString( )
  ValueURI( )
