

Have you tried reverse purification over the Ni-NTA column? That is the typical next step in purification after His-tag cleavage. Or did you mean to say that the impurities elute off with your cleaved protein during the reverse purification? If this is the case, you could try adding a reducing agent to help prevent unwanted interactions. You could also try a subsequent purification using ion exchange. As for on-column digestion... it is possible but comparatively inefficient. Hope this helps. 

Greg Costakes 
PhD Candidate 
Department of Structural Biology 
Purdue University 
Hockmeyer Hall, Room 320 
240 S. Martin Jischke Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47907 

** Hard work often pays of in time, but Procrastination always pays off now ** 

----- Original Message -----
From: "PULSARSTRIAN" <[log in to unmask]> 
To: [log in to unmask] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 7:56:39 AM 
Subject: [ccp4bb] His Purification 

Hello Every one, 
I am trying to purify a human protein in a bacterial expression system of around 82 kDa (with a 5 kDa His tag, so fusion protein is 87 kDa) which was cloned in pRSET-A vector. The Problem is I am not able to get rid of the infamous contamination proteins of arnA gene (72 kDa) and glmS gene (67 kDa). 
I am using TEV protease to cleave my protein (82 kDa) from the tag (5 kDa). This TEV protease has N- terminal His tag. So I first elute my fusion protein with higher imidazole concentration and then do TEV cleavage by adding TEV protease,, but sadly It co-elutes other contamination proteins such as 72 kDa and 67 kDa, as mentioned above.. 

Now, I wanted to know,,, can I do "On beads cleavage" by directly adding TEV enzyme when the fusion protein is still bound to Ni-NTA beads?? 
But I am worreid TEV protease which has N- terminal His tag also try to bind on Ni-NTA beads.. 

Please help me.. 

