These two collected books by Anthony Barnett will be published in 2012 by Tears in the Fence in association with Allardyce Book

Poems & 
collecting his poetry and non-critical prose from the 1960s to 2012
640 pages, A5, boards, thread sewn in signatures, illustrated
ISBN 978-0-907954-46-0

collecting his translations, with revisions, from Akutagawa, Albiach (selected), Berg (selected), Delahaye, Des Forêts, Giroux, Lagerkvist, Vesaas (selected), Zanzotto, and single poems from Bernhard, Celan, Mandelstam, Ungaretti
352 pages, A5, boards, thread sewn in signatures, illustrated
ISBN 978-0-907954-47-7

Here is an unusual pre-publication offer, in deference to the financial and independent press climate.

These two books can be pre-subscribed, either or both, at (more-or-less) whatever you wish to pay. In this way the publishers hope to make them available to anyone who would like to have them at the same time as hoping that it may draw in larger contributions from those who can afford it. These books are not in receipt of public or institutional funding. There will be no online editions. Payment can be made by cheque, or to PayPal, or by direct transfer to a sterling or euro account. Please write ab[at]abar[dot]net before making payment Please bear in mind the (more-or-less) proviso above and the costs of producing and mailing large books.

Please write if you have any questions. Please visit for other AB books including Antonyms & Others, with critical prose (2012). Reviews of Antonyms & Others and a translation of Louis-René Des Forêts Poems of Samuel Wood (2011) appear in 2012 issues of Notre Dame ReviewPN ReviewTears in the Fence.


in association with ALLARDYCE BOOK
14 Mount Street, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1HL England

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