Now new from Crater Press; Sara Crangle's gimme your hands - 56 x 14cm broadside on fancy Somerset and Fabriano papers, two colours, letterpress, special folds &c.  £4.  +£1 for the UK, +£2 for the ROW.  It can be purchased from, or direct through me at this email address.

Comments on gimme your hands:

“An end to wastefulness, the practice of thrift, is always good for an individual or a nation. If we have to trim down, slim down, tighten our belts a little more, help each other—who knows? It may be that our society will be a happier, healthier place, and we’ll all live richer lives.
-Stewart Udall, author of the The Quiet Crisis, US Secretary of the Interior, 1961-1969

“I'm sinking in the quicksand of my thought / And I ain't got the power anymore....
- David Bowie, 1971
“Canadians are putting tigers in our tanks, and new appliances in our homes, at an ever-increasing rate. The days of cheap and abundant energy are over.”
- Pierre Elliott Trudeau, television broadcast, November 22, 1973

Email me to combine postages with other Craters; sorry if I've cross-posted you.
