

> CARD (CampaignAgainst Racial DISCRIMINATION)

> The whole point of the Spot The Errors isn't meant to show up anyone or go into territory that's debatable or open to a variety of interpretations.
> The purpose is to flag indisputable  errors by reputable historians, academics and the like. The reason being that their writings are more likely to be referenced, and if one can help do something about it, why let students, researchers, historians continue to repeat the error?
> In my original mail, I pointed out that historians are human, and prone to err, just like mere mortals like moi. Indeed, in one of my press releases I wrote 1990 instead of 1900. I've since amended versions in my power to amend. Unlike the historian and New York Times editors, who it seems are not concerned with acknowledging a factual error, and amending an article that's available online.
> Where possible, I will consult the author first, before highlighting such errors.
> Spot the errors... 1 version 1.02
> Still on the subject of the Bristol Bus Boycott, there's much repeated reference of CARD (Campaign Against Racial Discrimination) members supporting the boycott.
> Noting that the boycott was in 1963, and CARD is supposed to have been formed in late 1964 (some say early 1965), can someone confirm whether there was a proto version of CARD operating in Bristol in 1963?
> I've been in touch with the author, who sadly does not have access to the original research notes, as it has been donated to an archive.
> The original source may have been a local newspaper, but as it's not accessible, for now, I'm NOT describing this an an error - Can anyone provide an answer?
> Kwaku