

 Dear Ariane, 

Last year, the Art of Science Learning convened more than 400 scientists, educators, artists, museum professionals, classroom teachers, business leaders and policymakers from across the US, in regional conferences intended (in part) to develop communities of practice that use the arts to strengthen learning and spark innovation in science, technology, engineering and math.

As a significant element of these conferences, we brought together some 85 researchers to explore many of the questions you raise, with specific respect to the connection between arts-based learning, creativity skills and innovation outcomes.  While the final report is still some months off, we've posted detailed notes, which may be of interest:

The headline conclusion of the national team, as reported by Martin Storksdieck, (Director of the Board on Science Education at The National Academies of Science, and chair of our research working group):  when it comes to proving that “arts engagement improves performance in STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering and Math] disciplines…there is the need for a series of more sophisticated and developed quantitative studies than have been conducted to date."

I'll be happy to share the final report when its complete later this year.  

Hope this is helpful!  

Regards, Harvey 

Harvey Seifter
Director and Principal Investigator
Art of Science Learning
230 East 48th Street
New York, NY 10017 

-----Original Message-----
From: Ariane Berthoin Antal <[log in to unmask]>
To: AACORN <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wed, Jan 25, 2012 2:10 pm
Subject: examples of evaluation methods, processes, indicators, results?

Anke Strauss and I are collecting examples of evaluation methods,
processes and indicators relating to artistic intervention projects in
organizations--as well as the results.
We welcome any materials you would like to send us!
Thank you,

Prof. Dr. Ariane Berthoin Antal
"Cultural Sources of Newness", WZB

Reichpietschufer 50
10785 Berlin
Research program: