

Dear colleagues,


Apologies for cross-posting. Attached please find the call for our IACSR workshop in conjunction with the Cognitive Science Society's meeting in Berlin July 31 to August 3 2013.


We hope to see many of you there.


Best wishes for the up-coming holidays and a good new year.


Yours truly,


Armin W. Geertz

Prof., Dr.Phil.

Director of Religion, Cognition and Culture Research Unit (RCC)

Chairman of the Interacting Minds Centre

MINDLab Coordinator of the Cognition and Culture Section

Senior Co-Editor of the Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion (JCSR)

President of the International Association for the Cognitive Science of Religion (IACSR)

Department of Culture and Society, Section for the Study of Religion

Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark