

Ewan MacMahon wrote:
>> It's not just Australians who see us as a bunch of whinging poms; we have that reputation in Europe too. 
> Fair enough.
I wonder if that epithet also applies to the Welsh?

> In short, it seems to me that we're claiming that things are in progress
> when they're really not just to massage the stats, and doing so at the cost 
> of useful information. If the EGI structures are such that doing so is the
> most rational course of action available to us, then I suppose we'll just
> have to live with it, but it's still dodgy.
I think a pinch of salt is needed to digest quantitative metrics derived 
from tickets, because the work is hard to measure properly.


Steve Jones                             [log in to unmask]
System Administrator                    office: 220
High Energy Physics Division            tel (int): 42334
Oliver Lodge Laboratory                 tel (ext): +44 (0)151 794 2334
University of Liverpool