Hi all,
Here's a geeky Christmas present for you:
Mimas has been funded by JISC to develop an experimental Learning Registry node, as part of their contribution to the US-based Learning Registry project. We're calling it the JLeRN Experiment: JISC's Learning Registry Node Experiment at Mimas.
We have a new blog here: http://jlernexperiment.wordpress.com/
The experiment is a technical, proof-of-concept exploration, whose success will be judged in large part by how openly we share our working as we go. We will be doing "open notebook science". I'll be leading the project and fabulous Mimas devs Nick Syrotiuk and Bharti Gupta will be project developers. Nick has already got a version of the node working, and soon he'll be making one available for experimentation on a dedicated server.
Nick and Bharti will be using the blog to record their adventures along the way, in all the raw and gory technical detail the can muster. We can also use it to talk about ideas for use cases for the Learning Registry long-term.
We won't have our own Twitter account; rather I would ask anyone Tweeting about this project to use the hashtags #learningreg and #jlern
We're hoping to host a JLeRN Experiment Hackday at Mimas in January, in collaboration with John Robertson at CETIS. Please let John or me know if you'd be interested.
And we'll be helping CETIS with a Learning Registry session at the JISC CETIS Conference in February.
Warm wishes and Merry Christmas to you all,


Sarah Currier
Jorum Technical Coordinator (R&D Projects)  |  Project Lead on The JLeRN Experiment

Mimas  |  Roscoe Building (5th Floor)  |  Oxford Road  |  The University of Manchester  |  Manchester  |  United Kingdom  |  M13 9PL

Tel.: +44 (0)161 275 6034 (ext. 56034)  |  Mob.: +44 (0)7980855801

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