

You are on our list!  Thank you VERY much, Brian,

Happy Christmas!


Sarah Fletcher

Editor; The International Journal for Mentoring and Coaching in Education;

--- On Mon, 12/19/11, Brian wakeman <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

From: Brian wakeman <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: REQUEST for Abstract Reviewers (Referees) for BERA 2012
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Monday, December 19, 2011, 10:03 AM

Happy to help.
Brian E. WakemanFree-lance Educational Consultant
From: Jean Rath <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Sunday, 18 December 2011, 7:23
Subject: REQUEST for Abstract Reviewers (Referees) for BERA 2012

Dear All,

I would like to thank members who have volunteered to act as Abstract Reviewers (Referees) for BERA 2012. If you are considering volunteering; it is not too late for you to do so and your assistance would be appreciated.

When abstracts are submitted, authors are required to nominate the SIG which is most closely related to the content of the paper. Based on last year’s submissions, I anticipate that the Mentoring and Coaching SIG will therefore need 5 reviewers, ideally with a few others in reserve just in case. This is based on each person reviewing approximately 10 abstracts.
I would really appreciate your help with this process. To be involved, you will need to be available to referee abstracts online between 27th January and the 24th February 2012. Please let me know this week if you are able and willing to do this, and if so, I recommend that you mark the dates for reviewing in your diaries now (I certainly have!).
Individual Papers
The review process will involve going online to the conference website, reading the 400 word proposals, and then assigning a score against five criteria. The criteria are:
1. Relevance of topic to BERA members
2. Clarity of research questions or focus of enquiry
3. Appropriateness of methods or literature
4. Robustness of analytical or theoretical framework
5. Significance for educational policy and/or practice
Symposia will also have a 400 word abstract explaining their rationale. All papers in a given symposium, plus the rationale, will be reviewed by the same two referees so that they can judge the merit of the symposium as a whole.
The process will be managed by the conference committee and In Conference Ltd (BERA Conference Organisers), and is designed to be as transparent and easy as possible for those taking part. More details will be provided nearer the time on how to access the online system and submit your scores.
You will be sent detailed instructions on the reviewing process in the New Year.  
Thank you for your support, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,
Dr Jean Rath

Co-convenor for BERA Mentoring and Coaching SIG.
Deputy Editor, The International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education.
Honorary Research Associate, Oxford Learning Institute, University of Oxford.
From January 2012: Manager Researcher Development, University of New South Wales, Sydney.