

Oh great, thank you!


On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 12:29 PM, Mark Jenkinson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi,
> That's a good point about non-GLM analyses.
> In many cases like that I would say that it does make
> sense to use slice timing correction.
> The arguments before about the order of motion
> correction and slice timing correction don't change though.
> I still think it should be MC first and then STC.
> As for including motion regressors - it still makes
> sense to do this and will get rid of some of the changes
> not fully compensated by MC.  Having STC run too will
> induce some extra changes, but these will be second
> order effects in general and so the standard motion
> correction regressors are still be the best thing to use.
> All the best,
>        Mark
> On 9 Dec 2011, at 19:41, Jessica Cohen wrote:
>> To jump into this discussion, I was talking to a colleague about why
>> slice timing correction should not be done generally. She brought up
>> the point that data processed through a GLM, where you can include
>> temporal derivatives, is one thing, but when you're looking at data
>> outside of a GLM (i.e., a resting timeseries), you can't include
>> temporal derivatives.
>> In that case, would it make sense to use slice timing correction for
>> data that was acquired in an interleaved fashion, or is there some
>> other correction that could be better (or is no correction necessary)?
>> And would you still recommend doing motion correction first?
>> And regarding the order of motion correction/slice timing
>> correction...when I run either a GLM or a timeseries analysis, I
>> include my motion parameters as nuisance regressors. But if I did
>> motion correction before slice timing correction, could I no longer do
>> that because the slice timing correction has changed the structure of
>> the data?
>> Thank you for your help. This discussion has been really useful.
>> -Jessica
>> On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 8:43 AM, Mark Jenkinson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> Hi Michael,
>>> I don't see that this changes it.
>>> The intensity difference through time (in a spatially fixed voxel) is at
>>> most say 5% from BOLD (being very generous).  Given how slow the
>>> HRF is, then maybe the difference in intensity that you'd see between
>>> timepoints that are separated by TR/2 is more than you'd see when
>>> they are separated by TR/N, but it is still less than 5%.
>>> In contrast, or contradistinction if you prefer, the intensity difference
>>> adjacent points in space can easily be 50-100% (of the mean intensity).
>>> So I don't care so much about locking in incorrect timing changes by doing
>>> STC second (which results in 5% change or less) if it means I can
>>> correctly get rid of most of the 50-100% change in signal due to mislocation
>>> in space (by doing MC first).
>>> Alternatively, locking in the spatial mislocation by doing STC first (and
>>> so interpolating in time before correcting spatial location) could lock in
>>> a reasonable amount of the 50-100% spatial change by putting it into adjacent
>>> timepoints, which can then not be recovered by subsequent MC.
>>> Now the debatable points in the above I think relate to the fact that the
>>> spatial changes are not the same in all areas of the brain (they are
>>> bigger near the big intensity boundaries, but that is a lot of the cortical
>>> grey matter) whereas the timing changes are consistent over whole
>>> slices.  So if your motion is small enough (say 10% of a voxel) then
>>> you might have comparable changes due to the two effects near the
>>> large intensity boundaries but less so in other places.  However, I think
>>> that motion is often more than this (10% of the voxel size would only be
>>> 0.3mm for a 3mm voxel) and also that a lot of the cortical voxels of
>>> interest would be affected by this.  Therefore I still think that MC before
>>> STC makes sense in the vast majority of cases, but that even better is
>>> to drop STC and use temporal derivatives (although I know you will
>>> not agree with the last point, but at least it prevents this annoying coupling).
>>> So in summary - I stand behind MC before STC (if you do STC at all)
>>> even when it is interleaved slice acquisition.
>>> All the best,
>>>        Mark
>>> On 9 Dec 2011, at 16:20, Michael Harms wrote:
>>>> Hi Mark,
>>>> For the benefit of the list, do you think that your argument that MC
>>>> should be applied before STC (if applied at all), applies equally to
>>>> both interleaved and sequential acquisitions?  For sequential
>>>> acquisitions, MC before STC does seem to be the logical choice, since
>>>> any error in STC from applying MC beforehand is going to be small.
>>>> However, for interleaved acquisitions, the STC error from applying MC
>>>> first will be larger (because adjacent slices are acquired TR/2 apart in
>>>> time, rather than TR/Nslices in time).
>>>> I know its hard to quantify the trade-offs, but when talking about the
>>>> ordering of STC vs. MC, I think the issue of sequential vs. interleaved
>>>> acquisitions is a key distinction that needs to be considered in the mix
>>>> as well.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> -MH
>>>> Since we've talked about this off-list, do you
>>>> On Fri, 2011-12-09 at 06:53 +0000, Mark Jenkinson wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> If you want to include STC then that is fine, but make sure you do it
>>>>> *after*
>>>>> motion correction, not before.  Otherwise you'll lock in incorrect
>>>>> spatial
>>>>> locations into neighbouring timepoints (due to STC) and motion
>>>>> correction
>>>>> will be unable to fix this.  This is much worse than locking in
>>>>> temporal shifts
>>>>> into the wrong voxels as the spatial changes can be up to 100% of the
>>>>> mean intensity whereas temporal changes are normally only about 1%.
>>>>> I know that some other people argue that STC (when it is done at all)
>>>>> should
>>>>> be before motion correction but I strongly believe that this is wrong
>>>>> because
>>>>> of the above argument, and stops motion correction removing some
>>>>> bigger
>>>>> intensity changes, which is far worse than stopping STC from mopping
>>>>> up
>>>>> some tiny changes.
>>>>> All the best,
>>>>> Mark
>>>>> On 9 Dec 2011, at 00:13, David Grayson wrote:
>>>>>> I see, thanks for your response Mark. If it was imperative to
>>>>>> include STC, though, say to compare with other data that had been
>>>>>> processed that way, would it still be appropriate to apply it as a
>>>>>> first step?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> -David
>>>>>> From: FSL - FMRIB's Software Library [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
>>>>>> Behalf Of Mark Jenkinson
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 12:30 AM
>>>>>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [FSL] pre-filtered to atlas transformed in one
>>>>>> resampling step
>>>>>> Dear David,
>>>>>> Unless you do no smoothing it is unlikely that you would see a lot
>>>>>> of benefit
>>>>>> from this kind of combination.  We do try and reduce the number of
>>>>>> steps as
>>>>>> it is, so you would, at most, get rid of one intermediate.
>>>>>> We also do not recommend slice-timing correction in general, and
>>>>>> would
>>>>>> advocate using temporal derivatives in the GLM instead.  Partly
>>>>>> because of
>>>>>> this, our slice-timing-correction tool is not quite as well
>>>>>> integrated, and I
>>>>>> do not think it would be possible with the existing tools to combine
>>>>>> this as
>>>>>> a transformation that is applied simultaneously with the other
>>>>>> spatial
>>>>>> transformations.  So I'm sorry, but I think the answer here is that
>>>>>> you cannot
>>>>>> do this, but for the reasons above I personally do not think it is
>>>>>> important.
>>>>>> All the best,
>>>>>>            Mark
>>>>>> On 8 Dec 2011, at 01:17, David Grayson wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> There have been some posts on the listserv about this previously –
>>>>>> what I’d like to do is apply all the feat pre-stats steps in one
>>>>>> command, to achieve all the preprocessing in one resampling step,
>>>>>> instead of multiple stages. It has been argued that this *may*
>>>>>> improve power for later analyses, and I think I know how to
>>>>>> implement this…
>>>>>> But my question is this: where then would I apply slice-timing
>>>>>> correction? FSL’s standard procedure is to apply it right after mc
>>>>>> and fieldmap-correction, but then I’m back to resampling my data
>>>>>> more than once; is it equivalent to do slice-timing correction as
>>>>>> the very first step instead?
>>>>>> Thanks for any insights,
>>>>>> David