

Hi all,
the Young Statisticians would like to draw your attention to the following meeting, jointly organized with the Glasgow local group and AQMeN.

Tuesday 24th January 2012 6-8pm
Accounting for spatial variations in adult BMI in the assessment of adolescent BMI and psychological well-being associations: a multilevel analysis

Department of Mathematics and Statistics (Room 203), University of Glasgow
15 University Gardens
Glasgow, G12 8QW

The theme of this joint event is multilevel modelling. The speakers are Dr Catherine Stewart who will provide a brief overview of multilevel modelling before the main presentation on an application using multilevel modelling given by Dr Linsay Gray. Both speakers are from the Measuring Health team at the MRC Social and Public Health Sciences Unit in Glasgow. Further information about our speakers may be found here: and

Prior to the presentations, Professor Gwilym Pryce will provide information about the Applied Quantitative Methods Network (AQMeN and the Glasgow Social Statistics Group.

The presentations will be followed by a wine reception in the Department Common Room from 7.15pm.

with the best wishes,
Oliver Ratmann
on behalf of the Young Statisticians of the Royal Statistical Society