

Hi All,
I think I'm almost there with cream. All the packages seem to be 
installing without any issues now.
When I come to do the yaim configuration I've managed to get it to get 
quite far down the road.
Although we will be using SGE, at the moment I'm just doing...

/opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s /etc/yaim/site-info.def -n creamCE

... to try to get that to work, then will do this...

/opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s /etc/yaim/site-info.def -n creamCE -n 
SGE_utils finish things off.

The yaim config / initialisation is failing when it tries to set up a 
bdii. I'm not sure if it should be doing this. I've got a seperate 
machine set up with the bdii and that is working fine - see result of...

ldapsearch -x -H ldap:// -b 

...). I'm confused as I wasn't expecting it to try to set up a bdii on 
the cream host as well. Presumably there's an issue with my site-info.def.

I'm attaching the yaimlog for your perusal. Does anyone have any hints 
on where to go from here?
