

Dear all,

I am sorry that these are acrually quite amateurish questions. However, I stiil need some clarification of some of these terms and some other practical issues.

I am using SIEMENS trio 3T scanner in our data acquisition. My questions are as follows:

1) If I divide my entire scanning time series into multiple scan runs, there will be more than 1 GLMs (I suppose multiple sessions, as in lst level modelling in SPM, correspond to only multiple GLMs with a mutually independent set of onsets and durations for each one.) Thus, for each GLM, the implicit baseline will be different from others. So how can I combine the contrasts for these GLMs for group level analysis?

2) The second question is a more practical one. My entire scanning length is approximately 40mins. The motive for dividing scanning session into multiple runs is to avoid signal decay problem, after scanning for a long time. However, what I am not sure is whether it is necessary in my experiment? Has anybody used SIEMENS trio 3T scanner under similar circumstance? 

Any advice and comments will be greatly appreciated. 

Best regards,