

Dear SPMers,

I would like to ask for an opinion concerning the statistical validity of
an analysis I did.

I have pre/post experiment where subjects are scanned before and after an
intervention, in order to compare changes in activation. During the
scanning sessions subjects were just passively stimulated. This main effect
was very robust.

In addition to fMRI I also did psychophysical testing (outside the scanner)
and I am trying to find correlations between changes in performance and
changes in activation.

I followed the straighforward approach of doing a 2nd level design with the
changes in performance entered as a covariate (1 value per subject) and
then the contrast "0 1" or "0 -1", as the case may be, limiting the
analysis to the postcentral gyrus with a mask (about 1000 voxels). With
this design, no voxels survived multiple comparisons correction, so I tried
progressively more relaxed thresholds until activation appeared (usually
with an uncorrected p of 0.05).  I then  made a spherical mask around this
coordinate and extracted the mean raw data from the individual conn* images
used in the group analysis (around 30 voxels), and used these to do a
Pearsons correlation test outside of SPM (with the psychophysical data),
which was positive.

My question is, is this a valid thing to do at all or is the analysis
biased? On the one hand, the correlation done outside of SPM  was strongly
significant and made sense theoretically. On the hand, this does smell like
biasing the analysis. Of course such a thing would not be valid when
testing the main effect of interest. Does that also hold for correlation
with an external variable (such as behavioural performance)?

Many thanks in advance.

Mario Gatica

Mario Gatica
Institut für Neuroinformatik
Ruhr-Universität Bochum