

Dear all,

When I use DICOM import in batch mode to import multiple subjects/sessions, at the end of the process I get the following error message: 

"Error using <ahref="matlab:helpUtils.errorDocCallback('cfg_util', 'cfg_util.m',835)"style="font-weight:bold">cfg_util<a>(<ahref="matlab: opentoline('cfg_util.m',835,0)">line 835</a>)
Job execution failed. The full log of this run can be found in MATLAB command window, starting with the lines (look for the line showing the exact #job as displayed in theis error message)'

Nevertheless, all the hdr/img files seem present, with no obvious file corruption.
Furthermore, if I try to import one subject/session at the time by the "DICOM Import tool" in the SPM Menu (without batch) I do not get any error message.

Any idea ??
