

As per my previous message, if John is seeing this he can probably remember
the exact year, having both been at Rand. My guess is mid-1970s. John also
told me the implementation language, but I cannot recall which one it was,
though I doubt it was an OOP language.


on 11/28/11 5:19 PM, Gerd Wagner at [log in to unmask] wrote:

>> Although Schelling's 1976 model of segregation is often cited as an
>> early individual-based social simulation, he did not use a computer at
>> the time, but rather "simulated" it manually using a checkerboard.
>> Does anyone know when it was first implemented as a computer simulation?
> I just happen to know when it was first implemented as a
> browser-based (JavaScript) simulation program: in 2009,
> see
> -Gerd
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Gerd Wagner, Chair of Internet Technology,
> Brandenburg University of Technology