


				After Language / Letters to Jack Spicer   (BlazeVox)

The test of a true poem, Stephen Vincent writes, is how not to die for 
it.  How can a book that chills you to the bone — As Jack Spicer’s 
Language surely does — become a structuring, challenging, politicizing 
and even comforting recurring presence through forty years of a life 
lived under its spell?  With a hard-won, contrarian patience, Vincent 
applies the test, and the hope he finds at the end is all the more 
convincing for the precariousness of the path it takes through the 
silent gap between No and One listens to poetry.
—Peter Manson

Stephen Vincent's engagement with Jack Spicer's poetry goes arguably 
farther back than anyone who wasn't a friend or acquaintance. What is 
not arguable is the generative richness of that engagement. Having been 
sent Spicer's Language by a friend while serving as a Peace Corps 
volunteer in a Nigeria poised on the brink of civil war, he finds in its
 "uncomfortable music" a poetry uncannily expanding the borders of 
meaning. Cast in the creative-epistolary form of Spicer's own After 
Lorca, this book is a tactful searching: it respects the intransigence 
of the poems, and tries, in the gentlest of ways, to understand the man 
who wrote them. After Language is a meditation on interpretive 
migration, on the troubled paths of poetic inheritance, and on the 
tangled, fraught (and yes, magical) ways that poetry survives it makers.—George Albon
94 pages; $16. 
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To get a book sense, feel welcome to request (from me) an email example of a sample "letter".

Stephen Vincent