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Dear colleagues

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Some of you may be interested in this event:
Dance and the Law
When:  Friday November 18 2011; 10.30-4.00
Where:  Institute for Creative Enterprise (ICE), Coventry University, Coventry, CV1 2NE, UK
A day for researchers and practitioners to find out about the interface between dance and the law – in particular copyright law.
What does copyright mean for those who make, perform and distribute dance?  What can we learn from those projects which have explored the challenges of establishing intellectual property rights when the ‘work’ is ‘co-created’?  And how is the copyright framework, as it is mapped on to performance, challenged by dancers with disabilities?
10.30 Registration and coffee
11.00   Welcome, setting the context: Charlotte Waelde, Sarah Whatley and Shawn Harmon
11.30 Where are we now? 
Case Study 1:  Dance online; who owns what?  New environments for the distribution of dance; the researcher and the user perspective (SW)
12.15 Coffee/refreshments
12.45 Case Study 2:   Dancing around the law. The place of copyright law in the protection, promotion and exploitation of dance.  (CW)
1.30 Lunch
2.30 Where are we going?
A panel discussion:  dance, disability and the law.  What are the new questions that arise when considering the experience of disabled dance artists and ownership?  (SW, CW, Abbe Brown, Shawn Harmon)
3.30 Plenary; Q&A
4.00 Close
To register for this workshop, please contact Sarah Whatley on [log in to unmask]
Please note:  this event is being supported by the AHRC Beyond Text programme and all delegates will be able to claim travel expenses.
Professor Sarah Whatley
Professor of Dance and Director of Research; ICELAB
Coventry School of Art and Design
Coventry University
ICE Building, Parkside
Coventry CV1 2NE