

Liz, I think it strange too that it has not generated more comment.

As a totally biased commentator, as I worked as Production Manager on the journal for many years, I was sad to see its demise and always admired the hard work and skill of the volunteer Editors that I worked with and of course the contributors of the articles. 
These pieces certainly played their part in advocating for the profession, sharing best practice, perpetuating a sense of shared values among the public library community and simply being interesting and entertaining.

Debby Raven

This is a very sad statement.
I have used the journal for years now, both for personal professional
awareness, and to support MSc librarianship students in their knowledge of
the work of public libraries.
Was the problem the cost of hard copy production, in which case could it not
have been produced as an e.journal?  Or was it lack of contributions, in
which case a discussion over the network about the seriousness of the
situation could have helped. 
It's very sad to see this useful journal die at a time when public libraries
are under such attach politically and economically.
Are there simply not enough public librarians left to sustain any interest?
Or are the one that are left so busy they don't have time to read or write
for the journal?

Strange that it hasn't generated more comment on this list?

Liz Dubber
Debby Raven
Freelance Writer & Editor

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