

Hello colleagues,

I am wondering if someone can assist me. One of our senior nurses in our maternity unit in South Australia wants to know if there is a "best practice" procedure relating to new born and mother identification in UK hospitals.

I have done the usual searches on Medline/Pubmed, Maternity and Infant care, Cochrane, CINAHL, etc.

If your hospital's maternity unit is able to share their information, it would be very much appreciated. Thanks.

Kind regards,  Wanda

Wanda Dillon
Library Manager
Lyell McEwin Hospital
SA Health
Government of South Australia

Tel: (08) 8133 2207
Front Desk Tel: (08) 8182 9170
Fax: (08) 8182 9321
E-mail: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Northern Adelaide Local Health Network
SA Health | Government of South Australia

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