

Dear Mark,

Please let me explain what I want to say.
In TBSS, if I want to get each subject's FA value in a certain area (e.g., the area showing group differences), I would make ROI mask from statistical map and extract FA values from 4D volume such as 'all_FA_skeletonised.nii.gz' using fslmaths command.

In FIRST,  I thought that something like the 4D volume may be the concatenated '*_{region}_all.bvars' file. But I can not see what would be in the bvars file with texteditor or matlab.
If I only want to work on the statistically significant vertices, I have to get each subject's values in the vertices area (e.g., the vertices which shows significant differences between two groups) from the all.bvars or other relevant file.
Could you explain what I should do or what I have to type in command line?

I wonder whether I ask correctly or not.
Please let me know what I missed in terms of the basic concept in vertex analysis.

Thank you,
