

Dear all,

At the employability developers' day in Liverpool yesterday, Trish Lunt ran an interesting session on measuring the impact of employability interventions on our students (thanks Trish!).  We discussed a range of issues, in particular who we are evaluating for, and how (and what) we should evaluate.  There are of course always difficulties in evaluating the impact of measures designed to develop student 'skills', but these difficulties are not unique to employability interventions.

With that in mind, I thought you may find the following document helpful.
"A Guide to Practice: Evaluating your Teaching Innovation", by Ivan Moore.

Ivan was previously Director of the Centre for Learner Autonomy (one of the SHU CETLs) and is a strong and articulate advocate of experiential learning.  He is now HE Curriculum Advisor for the Royal Academy of Engineering, and has published the document above as part of the National HE STEM programme.

Despite the apparent engineering focus, I think you'll find this document universally relevant.  It is intended for evaluating the impact of a project (specifically the RAEng projects that have been funded through the HE STEM prohramme) but the principles apply just as well to the evaluation of employability interventions.

You may find his ideas of 'Goal-Oriented' and 'Goal Free' or 'Context Free' evaluation of particular interest (p12/13).  The appendices give some useful example of such evaluation.

Hope you find this of interest!
Best wishes

Dr Jeff Waldock, FHEA, FIMA
Principa; Lecturer in Mathematics and Teaching Fellow in Employability
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