

Disgusting. Now the BPS gets nice tame psychiatrists to say that schizophrenia is "caused" by social factors. Come on - there is just no such entity. It's like saying being human is caused by, er, what goes on around us. As for schizophrenia and trauma; someone needs prove that life trauma is anything other than the way life is. As Szasz might say, "Why do psychologists spend so much time on unimportant people?" The answer is that unimportant people just want someone nice to say, "Ah...." and the people that do that get paid better than most.

From: Richard Pemberton <[log in to unmask]>
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Sent: Thursday, 3 November 2011, 19:40
Subject: [COMMUNITYPSYCHUK] bps news There is a twitter feed: (to post contact Grant [log in to unmask] To unsubscribe or to change your details on this COMMUNITYPSYCHUK list, visit the website:

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