

Postdoctoral position, institut Pasteur, Paris, France
Deadline for application: 15th of January 2012.
A 3 year postdoctoral position funded by the ERC (European Research Council) is available in the G5 Unit « structural biology of bacterial secretion » ( in the Structural Biology and Chemistry department at Institut Pasteur (Paris, France).
Our research aim is to decipher the molecular mechanisms that support DNA transfer events between bacteria during natural transformation and conjugation. The person to be recruited will work more specifically on the purification and structural characterization using X-ray crystallography of individual components and protein complexes isolated from the DNA uptake system found in Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Interested candidates should have obtained a Ph.D. in molecular and structural biology and should have relevant research publications in this field. Experience in membrane protein biochemistry and X-ray crystallography is highly desirable but not mandatory.
The position will be available in 2012. The starting date will be decided in agreement with the selected candidate, preferably during the first semester of 2012.
Applications in the form of a CV, publication list, a summary of research activities (2 pages max) and contact details of two referees, should be sent by Email to Dr Rémi Fronzes ([log in to unmask]).
 Selected candidates will be individually interviewed in January and February. The final decision will be made before the end of february 2012.