Dear colleagues,


I am suddenly having a problem with starting the ccp4 Interface. Logged on as a normal user (“username”, group “users”) the Interface window pops up but hangs almost immediately (the top bar says “CCP4Interface 2.1.0”, the only program tab shown is “Coordinate Utilities” and the tabs on the right side of the window stop after “View Any File”). There are no error messages and job has to be killed (Ctrl c). When I log on to the user account from which ccp4 was installed (“software”, group “users”), the GUI opens without any problems. The “software” account does not have admin rights, by the way.


The system is SUSE SLES 11, and I had no problems with the ccp4 installation in the past. However, I have added a few libraries in the meantime, in particular “zlib-devel” from the SLE-11-SDK repository.


It looks to me as if there is a problem with file access permissions at some point but I cannot work out where. In my desperation I even set the permissions to rwx for all users (ugo) for the entire ccp4 folder but the problem persists.


The problem is the same for ccp4 6.1.13 and 6.2.0.


Any help will be appreciated.







dr ulrich gohlke

staff scientist - macromolecular structure and interaction

max-delbrück-center for molecular medicine (mdc)

+49 30 9406 - 2725 (w)

+49 30 9406 - 2548 (fax)

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