


How faster is the OpenMP version of Phaser
versus number of cores used?

In the past I have been quite badly surprised by
the no-acceleration I gained when using OpenMP
with some of my programs... :(


On 11/09/2011 02:59 AM, Dr G. Bunkoczi wrote:
> Hi Ed,
> in the CCP4 distribution, openmp is not enabled by default, and there
> seems to be no easy way to enable it (i.e. by setting a flag at the
> configure stage).
> On the other hand, you can easily create a separate build for phaser
> that is openmp enabled and use phaser from there. To do this, create a
> new folder, say "phaser-build", cd into it, and issue the following
> commands (this assumes you are using bash):
> $ python $CCP4/lib/cctbx/cctbx_sources/cctbx_project/libtbx/
> --repository=$CCP4/src/phaser/source phaser
> --build-boost-python-extensions=False --enable-openmp-if-possible=True
> $ . ./ ("source ./setpaths.csh" with csh) $ libtbx.scons (if
> you have several CPUs, add -jX where X is the number of CPUs you want to
> use for compilation)
> This will build phaser that is openmp-enabled. You can also try passing
> the --static-exe flag (to, in which case the executable is
> static and can be relocated without any headaches. This works with
> certain compilers.
> Let me know if there are any problems!
> BW, Gabor
> On Nov 8 2011, Ed Pozharski wrote:
>> Could anyone point me towards instructions on how to get/build
>> parallelized phaser binary on linux? I searched around but so far found
>> nothing. The latest updated phaser binary doesn't seem to be
>> parallelized.
>> Apologies if this has been resolved before - just point at the relevant
>> thread, please.