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International Journal of Progressive Education: Call for papers


October 2012 Vol 8 - No 3 : Special Issue


Topic: Education for Active Citizenship

Guest Editor: Prof Alistair Ross, London Metropolitan University

The International Journal of Progressive Education will publish a special issue in October 2012 on the theme of ‘Education for Active Citizenship’.


In recent years the adjective ‘active’ has often been added to the term ‘Citizenship Education’.  Bernard Crick wrote ‘an education that creates a disposition to active citizenship is a necessary condition of free societies’.  This suggests that Active Citizenship is more desirable than Passive Citizenship – but what do these terms mean, in terms of educational policy or educational practice?  Is it related by some policy makers to concerns about what is called the democratic deficit?  Or is it perceived of as a variant of service learning?  Are there different kinds of active citizenship, and of active citizenship education?  The term is open for debate, and open to be illustrated by a variety of policies and practices from different countries.


We invite proposals for articles that

·       discuss the development of active citizenship education

·       analyse policies and/or practices that promote active citizenship education

·       are drawn from/relate to a range of educational settings, from pre-school to higher education

·       analyse active citizenship with reference to social class or gender


Articles may be theoretical, empirical or a mixture of the two; may draw on qualitative or quantitative analysis, or a combination. The editors welcome articles from a variety of perspectives; a range of countries within and beyond Europe; issues that affect students of different ages.


 The issue will contain: 

·         An editorial in which key themes are highlighted and articles are briefly summarized;

·         About 6 articles of between 6-9000 words incorporating a range of perspectives about active citizenship education;

·         book reviews (each approximately 4-800 words long) on issues to do with citizenship education


Please note the following submission process and schedule:


Submission of proposals for articles: January 15th 2012

Submissions should consist of a proposed title and a synopsis of no more than 200 words.  These will be considered by the editorial board, and a selection made to ensure a balanced range of content. 


Invitation to submit full article: February 6th 2012

A limited number of articles will be commissioned by this date. 


First submission by selected authors: April 22nd 2012

All submissions will be subject to the review process by the editorial board. 


Feedback and requests for revisions:  May 15th 2012

If necessary, the editorial board will request revisions by this date.


Final submission of selected articles: June 20th 2012


Final copy to press: July 15th 2012


Submission Guidelines
All manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the form and style as outlined in the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (5th ed.).
Manuscripts should be double-spaced, including references, notes, abstracts, quotations, and tables. The title page should include, for each author, name, institutional
affiliation, mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address and a brief biographical statement. The title page should be followed by an abstract of max 200 words. Tables
and references should follow APA style and be double-spaced. Manuscripts should not exceed 35 pages (double-spaced), including tables, figures, and references. Manuscripts should not be simultaneously submitted to another journal, nor should they have been published elsewhere in considerably similar form or with considerably similar content.

All process -submission, review, and revision- is carried out by electronic mail. The submissions should be written using MS- DOS or compatible word processors and sent to the e-mail addresses of the guest editor: 
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Alistair Ross
Jean Monnet ad Personam Professor of Citizenship Education in Europe
Emeritus Professor of Education, Institute for Policy Studies in Education, London Metropolitan University
Visiting Professor, University of Bedfordshire

Alistair Ross
Jean Monnet ad Personam Professor of Citizenship Education in Europe
Emeritus Professor of Education, Institute for Policy Studies in Education, London Metropolitan University
Visiting Professor, University of Bedfordshire


Companies Act 2006 : http://www.londonmet.ac.uk/companyinfo


Sumi Hollingworth
Senior Research Fellow
Institute for Policy Studies in Education (IPSE)
London Metropolitan University
Directline 020 71334170



"The study of the humanities must not be neglected, and the College of the Arts and Sciences must be strengthened and encouraged to develop its studies. These are the subjects which contribute most of the understanding and growth of our cultural heritage, and so assist in fulfilling one of the University's primary aims. These studies, which are concerned with human cultural achievements, human rights, and duties, human freedoms, will enable youth to develop the understanding and judgment necessary to the formulation of a sound philosophy of life, to the making of wise choices, and to understand what is involved in these choices..."

Speech by Emperor Haile Selassie I, 19th December 1961

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