

Bore da!

"Have there been any food related health scares in the last two years?"

Mae GyrA yn rhoi "bygythiad bom" am "bomb scare" ond dwi'm yn siŵr ydi "bygythiad i iechyd" yn gweithio.

Dwi'n tueddu i gysylltu "health scare" â sylw yn y cyfryngau:
Wikipedia: "Health scare is a campaign to scare the public into avoiding a food or chemical on the grounds that it might cause them to contract an illness or have some other negative effect on their health. Many such scares have been shown to be groundless, but in some cases it may involve very real threats to public health and safety."

Os felly, dydi "bygythiad i iechyd" ddim yn gweithio.  Beth am rywbeth fel "ymgyrch i godi braw am effaith rhyw fwydydd ar iechyd"? Braidd yn hir.

