

Dear all,

From time to time members have announced their own or others' recent 
publications on the Sidney-Spenser list. I take to be included in this 
statement the announcement of online publications, such as the Edmund 
Spenser World Bibliography. Circulation of information about these new or 
updated titles can be very helpful to others, but of course a glut of such 
postings could also prove tedious to list members. In the past I have 
tried to pursue a tolerant and quiet approach to these postings, and 
generally speaking the threads they have occasioned have quickly frayed 
and ended. But it's probably worth laying down, now, a slightly more 
formal set of groundrules.

1. Announcements of recent print and electronic publications can be 
helpful, and in that spirit they are permitted on the list where 
appropriate. List members are encouraged to use their discretion and not 
to strain other members' patience -- in, for example, the frequency or the 
tone of these postings. Please also keep in mind that there are other 
media through which to reach the scholarly community with news about new 
publications, and indeed some of these vehicles (e.g. The Spenser Review) 
are designed to perform just this function. Let's try to keep forks in the 
fork drawer, where we can.

2. An announcement is not a sales pitch. If you would like to announce a 
publication that you are confident will be of interest to the list 
membership, and you are reasonably sure that this is the appropriate forum 
for its presentation, please keep your announcement short and direct. Web 
links to publishers' promotional material can, in such emails, cover a 
multitude of sins.

If things get out of hand, I'll review the matter and make a new set of 
suggestions. If anyone would like to comment on what I've said here, 
please feel free to write to me *privately*, and I will compile a digest 
of responses to forward to the list at an appropriate moment.

Thanks for your patience.


Andrew Zurcher
Queens' College
Cambridge CB3 9ET
United Kingdom
+44 1223 335 572

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