

Hi list,


I hope you are all enjoying the lovely autumn weather!


I want to do some further education/training beyond degree level, but am not
sure who to talk to, to try and focus my thoughts - so I thought maybe I
could run it by you all to see if you have any ideas, either of someone to
talk to, or just to add your own thoughts to mine!


A bit of background: I did the SCPHN(OH) degree in '98, followed by a
certificate in counselling skills, followed by a short break to have more
children! I've also gained some CBT practice skills. Currently I work 2 or 3
days a week, for a couple of different company contracts, mainly on case
management - this really suits me as it fits in well with a growing family -
but I can't see myself doing it until retirement!


I want to do something at Masters level, and maybe even do a Doctorate one
day, but am not sure whether to focus on the CBT side (which I do enjoy) and
do a masters in Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy (which would also give
me a licence to practice) - but then would I lose my OH skill set?

Or do I build on my current OH experience (20 years to date) and become more
specialised, ie by focusing on ergonomics? But how useful will that be to me
as a contracted practitioner (I really want to retain the flexibility of
being self employed)

Could I do the CBT course and use it to work in conjunction with the OH
background and specialise in Occupational Psychotherapy (I get the
impression that there is a need here). I don't want to do a management
focussed course as I am not a manager and do not want to be, although I do
enjoy policy writing and research. 


I am just at a bit of an impasse really - I really want to reawaken the old
brain cells, but don't want to find myself backed into a specialist corner
(ie CBT) with no time left to change direction again! How did you decide
what to do next? 


If you got this far - thank you for reading! I hope you don't mind me
posting this here - I would be grateful for any feedback, opinions, personal
experience etc. And please let me know if you think this is an inappropriate
use of the list.


Many thanks,




Cathy Howells

Occupational Health Nurse Practitioner




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