

Serials Solutions invites you to participate in an upcoming webinar series and attend a special 28th October event to learn how the development of our new web-scale management solution will redefine how libraries manage operations, eventually eliminating the need for integrated library systems (ILS) as we know them today. 

This new, web-scale management solution will address the challenges presented by the shift of collections from print to electronic, and free you from the low-value tasks so you can get back to fulfilling your organization’s mission. It is a single, centrally provisioned solution that supports the entire resource lifecycle including selection, acquisition, cataloging, discovery, and fulfillment regardless of resource type. It maximizes the advantages of digital media while protecting and exposing print and other formats in your local collection that make your library unique.

****Upcoming Webinars****

You can register for all the 30-minute sessions below at, or view descriptions and register for individual sessions by using the links below. 

     •  Using Linked Data to Create Efficiencies in the Library, 18 October 2011, 3:00 pm (London, GMT+1), register at
     •  Uncover Cost Savings with Web-Scale Management, 19 October 2011, 3:00 pm (London, GMT+1), register at
     •  How System Interoperability Streamlines and Improves Library Management, 20 October 2011, 1:00 pm (London, GMT+1), register at

****Special Event****

Get a sneak peek into the latest developments of Serials Solutions game-changing web-scale management solution. Whether you’re already considering web-scale management or just looking to learn more, we promise an informative and eye-opening look at the future of library management designed for today’s realities.

Register at to join us for this special session on 28 October 2011, from 8:00 – 8:45 am at the Copthorne Tara Hotel (Shannon Suite) in London. Refreshments will be served. 

****Learn More****

If you are unfamiliar with Serials Solutions or web-scale management, please to visit and to learn more. 

You can also request more information, at, so that one of our local representatives can talk with you to assess your needs and demonstrate how our current management and discovery solutions can benefit your library. 


Scott Schuetze
Sr. Marketing Manager
Serials Solutions

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