


II International XIX Century Hispanists Network Symposium 

"Cádiz 1812: the weight of the modern and the birth of the past"

Dates: 18th-19th May, 2011

Venue: Edificio "La Bomba", Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Universidad de Cádiz.

Deadline for submission of proposals: 30th March, 2011

Spanish and international researchers and academics are warmly invited to submit paper and panel proposals to the II International XIX Century Hispanists Network Symposium, "Cádiz 1812: the weight of the modern and the birth of the past". 

The aim is to further promote the knowledge of nineteenth-century Spain through the interchange of views and ideas within the context of an academic event open to the general public. When celebrating the II centenary of the 1812 Spanish Constitution, this international network of Hispanists will hold its second symposium in the city that inspired and gave birth to the first Magna Carta in the country's constitutional history. 

Proposals in all fields of nineteenth-century political, cultural, religious, scientific and artistic activities are welcome.

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