
International declarations can only provide mutually agreed goals and aims. HOW governments reach those is up to the nation states themselves and their parliaments. That is a critical aspect of democracy since otherwise internationally unaccountable organisations such as the UN could set government policy in individual countries. 

So, if you read it carefully you will notice that the passage does not say anything about HOW governments need to provide a quality health system. If it did it would make prescriptions that is left to democratically elected parliaments to determine. So, that's why there is no contradiction between the Rio Declaration and the Health and Social Care bill. Whether or not we agree with the content of the bill and its provisions is of course a different matter. 

Best wishes


On 23 Oct 2011, at 16:07, Alex Scott-Samuel wrote:

I'd be grateful if you could tell me who, if anyone, signed this declaration on behalf of the UK Government. The declaration states that 'Good health requires a universal, comprehensive, equitable, effective, responsive and accessible quality health system'; but this is precisely what the Government's Health and Social Care Bill seeks explicitly to remove and to replace with one in which universality, comprehensiveness, accessibility and quality are determined by the vagaries of the market.

Best wishes, Alex Scott-Samuel

World Conference on Social Determinantds of Health
Rio de Janeiro Brazil, October 21, 2011

Available online at

The Rio Political Declaration on Social Determinants of Health expresses global political commitment for the implementation of a social determinants of health approach to reduce health inequities and to achieve other global priorities. It will help to build momentum within WHO Member States for the development of dedicated national action plans and strategies.

 Process of development

On 15 August 2011, the text was circulated to Geneva-based Permanent Missions of Member States. The first meeting of Member States, convened by the Government of Brazil, was held at WHO headquarters on 7 September, 2011. This was followed by a series of informal consultations attended by representatives of Permanent Missions. The text of the declaration was finalized during the conference in Rio de Janeiro on 19-21 October, 2011.


Dr Axel Kaehne
Welsh Centre for Learning Disabilities
School of Medicine
Heath Park
CF14 4XN
Phone 029 20 687 212
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