

Scanner: Siemens 3T Verio with 32-ch head coil
Field map by the gradient echo field map sequence with two echo times
DTI: double-refocused spin echo for both polarity (AP and PA) of phase-encoding gradient
Dwell time: 0.31 ms = 0.62 ms / 2 (iPAT)

For both phase-encoding polarities the unwarping was too strong (the corpus callosum do not match with the fieldmap's magnitude image).
The outline of corpus callosum matches better when the FUGUE parameter of dwell time was intentionally adjusted to 0.31/5.

The unwarping was perfect for the gradient echo EPI, though.

I noticed that this was posted earlier by someone else, but there does not seem to be a real discussion.

Kwan-Jin Jung
SIBR, Carnegie Mellon University