


this is simply because the t-test is one-tailed and the F-test is
two-tailed. I.e. for the t-test you accept a false-positive rate of 0.05
or less under one tail of the distribution whereas in the F-test at 0.05
you may accept only 2.5% for each tail. So alternatively, you may lower
the threshold for the t-test to 0.025.

Am 07.10.11 08:52 schrieb "Chou Kun Hsien" unter <[log in to unmask]>:

>Hello Andreas
>thanks for your kindly response
>i've tried the threshold at p<0.1 as u said,and... it did work!!
>we got a better result as we expected.
>but we are just wondering why? how could we use p<0.1 rather than p<0.05?
>would u please explain the reason for us?
>thank u so much,
>Chou Kun Hsien
>>have you looked at p<0.1 instead of 0.05 for the (two tailed) F-test,
>>that match better with your t-tests?
>>Am 07.10.11 06:39 schrieb "Chou Kun Hsien" unter
>><[log in to unmask]>:
>>>Sorry that i  didn't clarify my question.
>>>the following is the original question asked by Dr. John Colby
>>>>What I am confused about is this: When age is included as a covariate
>>>>opposed to when it is not), the individual FA_tfce_corrp_tstat maps are
>>>>robust, but the overall F-test map (FA_tfce_corrp_fstat) drops almost
>>>>zero. This opposite behavior surprised me and makes me think that I
>>>>might be
>>>>doing something wrong in my model setup, or perhaps just not fully
>>>>understanding how F-tests work in FSL. Does this seem like normal
>>>>or does it look like I'm doing something wrong?
>>>we also met the same question like above.
>>>the f-test result seems a lil bit different with the t-test result from
>>>each t-contrast.
>>>the f-values were small, and we can barely detect any significant
>>>difference from f-test in TFCE (while p<0.05).
>>>i think it is not a normal result.
>>>cuz the f-test findings should not be so different from t-test, since we
>>>got many significant findings from t-test analysis.
>>>there must be something wrong with my F-test setting, or i must
>>>misunderstanding the meaning of F-test in FSL...
>>>Any help would be so appreciated!!!