*apologies for cross-posting*

Call for Papers: ALSP 2012

Association for Legal and Social Philosophy

Annual Conference: June 25-27th, 2012

School of Politics, International Studies, and Philosophy,

Queen’s University Belfast.


Plenary Speakers:

Richard Bellamy (UCL)

Philip Pettit (Princeton)


Conference Theme: Freedom

Freedom as non-domination; Two concepts of liberty?; The relationship between personal and political autonomy; Individual and collective agency; Freedom of expression; Individual liberty and democratic politics; Recognition and the conditions of agency; The concept of a free society; Freedom and equality; Freedom of association; Political and economic freedoms; Autonomy in the workplace/workplace democracy; Institutionalizing political freedom.


Paper and panel proposals on any aspect of contemporary legal, social, moral, and political philosophy/theory are welcomed but preference will be given to those explicitly addressing the conference theme.

Please send paper/panel proposals, including a title and a short abstract, to [log in to unmask], by February 1st 2012.


Conference Website: http://www.qub.ac.uk/schools/SchoolofPoliticsInternationalStudiesandPhilosophy/ALSP2012/

ALSP Website: http://alsp.org.uk/

Conference Organizers:

Keith Breen [log in to unmask]

Cillian McBride [log in to unmask]