

Thank you to all who replied, I asked the students' tutor for an explanation as to why he could not take photos of the white board, apparently this is to encourage him to write more as his hand writing is atrocious !. They have now dropped the deposit to £10.00 so this is 'doable' for him and will be paid this week so it makes the above no longer worth fighting.
I do find it curious that HE students with identified learning support needs get access to adequate funding but very little is available to FE students
thanks again

Subject: RE: FE student
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2011 09:08:21 +0100
From: [log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]

We don’t ask for deposits – it would exclude those who couldn’t
afford it and they might have a very significant disability. Could the student
borrow the money from the college welfare officer’s discretionary funds?


From: Discussion list for disabled students and
their support staff. [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of gillian

Sent: 29 September 2011 21:15

To: [log in to unmask]

Subject: FE student


Hi can anyone suggest help for an FE student who has been offered a laptop by
the college (he has dyslexia) but has to pay a £50.00 deposit before he can
have it, is this legal? He lives on state benefits and cannot afford it. I
suggested to him to use his phone camera to take images of the white board to
compliment hand outs, but I have just recieved an e mail from his tutor to say
he can no longer do this.

any advice please



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