Hi all,
Sorry for the double email, but I have a slight correction-
Dr. Guthman is with the department of Community Studies at UC-Santa Cruz. If forwarding the CFP, please use the version below.
The pitfalls of autocorrect...

*****************Please forward widely, apologies for crossposting*********************
2012 Call for Papers and Organized Sessions 

The University of Kentucky Political Ecology Working Group invites you to participate in the


April 13 – 15, 2012
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA

Keynote Address: Julie Guthman (Department of Community Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz)
Plenary Address: Erik Swyngedouw (Department of Geography, University of Manchester)

Following the success of our inaugural conference, which included participants from 8 different countries, 25 states, 41 universities, and featured scholars from 17 different disciplinary affiliations, the University of Kentucky Political Ecology Working Group is now preparing for our 2012 conference.
This three-day conference provides an opportunity to critically examine perspectives on human-environment relationships in their varied manifestations and to foster discussions among a diverse group of scholars. We encourage submissions from all individuals who are engaged in research on the ecological dimensions of political, economic, social, and scientific change research regardless of their topical, theoretical, or methodological frameworks, including but not limited to: 

Environmental justice
Cultural ecology
Ecological modernization
Environmental history
Environmental law
Restoration ecology
Political economy of nature
Genetic technology
Commons, enclosures, and land tenure
Environmental risk
Resource management and conservation 
Non-equilibrium ecology
Landscape studies
Environmental discourse and policy
Feminist and heterodox approaches to environmental economics
Urban ecology
Environmental sociology
Food security and sustainable agriculture
Critical science studies 
Knowledge Production 

By sharing their work, participants can anticipate receiving feedback on the socio-natural dimensions of their work from a specialized group brought together in an intimate setting and interact with scholars creating cutting edge political-ecological research. 
Presentation Formats
• Paper presentation: paper sessions will include 3 or 4 presenters with a discussant or 5 presenters without a discussant (each presenter will generally have 15 to 20 minutes to present with time for discussion). 
• Poster presentation: posters will be displayed for informal browsing with an opportunity for interaction with presenter(s). 
• Organized sessions/panels: If you wish to organize a session or a panel, please provide a title for your session/panel and the contact information for all participants. Group panel organizers are responsible for the specific allocation of time and structure of the panel session. Session organizers are encouraged to circulate their own CFPs, but should also contact the conference organizers. 
UKPEWG is also excited to announce we will be sponsoring two graduate student paper competitions, one for applied political ecology and the other for more theoretical work. Please look for additional information to be emailed and posted on our website in the coming weeks for application instructions for each competition. 
Submission of Abstracts and Registration
Abstracts or proposals should be 200 – 300 words in length and include three to five keywords. We ask each participant to include: name, any titles or affiliations you would like listed in the program, email address (please specify if you do not want your email included in the program), and please let us know if you are willing to serve as a discussant in your session or another one. 
All presenters must register online for the conference and pay the sliding registration fee. Please visit politicalecology.org beginning November 1, 2011 to register. The deadline for abstract submissions is January 15th, 2012. Please email any questions to [log in to unmask].

As we move closer to the conference date, more information on travel arrangements, field trips, and an updated list of speakers will be posted on the conference website: www.politicalecology.org/p/annual-conference.html