

Just to add to what has been "said" (written) before:

coiled coiled or simply helices can be very problematic for M.R.. Human 
sacrifice has never given any positive result (as reported in the 
literature as far as I know), but "heavy atom sacrifice" could be 
attempted ("heavy atom" includes in my view atoms that are used for SAD, 
MAD - such as S, Se... - in addition to Au, Pt...) in parallel to your 
M.R. searches which may never provide you with an acceptable solution.


Napolećo Valadares wrote:
>     Hi there!
>     I got crystals from some synthetic peptides I bought, they are 30 
> residues long and are supposed to form a coiled coil. I collected 
> various data sets (home source, Brookhaven and Diamond), including 
> some at the resolution of 1.65 A, for which the space group appears to 
> be C222 or C2221. The unit cell is small, 22.67, 88.06, 26.13, and the 
> Matheus Coefficient indicates that's there's only one helix in the 
> asymmetric unit and a 25% solvent content.
>     I have tried A LOT of Molecular Replacement using Phaser and 
> Phenix AutoMR. I'm using a 80% identity coiled coil helix as search 
> model. The programs give me solutions with "reasonable" maps, but it 
> is never possible to refine to achieve Rvalues below 0.40. 
> Additionally, maps from different solutions look reasonable, so I'm 
> thinking these are all bias.
>     I have 5 other synthetic 30 residues peptides (that crystallize in 
> different space groups and diffract to lower resolutions), including a 
> SelenoMethionine (SM) derivative (but it does not have enough 
> anomalous signal, ASU is too big, it is possible that the SM are 
> disordered). I'm stuck on this since March.
>     Regarding the search model, I already tried trimming some or all 
> side chains and removing 2, 3 or 5 residues on each/both sides. I also 
> tried other search models. Maybe some "magic" combination of 
> parameters on Phaser or other programs can help me.
>     What is your advice regarding how to proceed with MR? Is there 
> some program, procedure, parameter, pray or human sacrifice that could 
> help me?
>     Thank you.
>     Regards,
>                           Napo