

Hi Jan,

In our lab we use both the Amicon Ultras and the Vivaspins  (soluble and 
membrane proteins).
What I can tell you is that me and a few other colleagues had the 
experience (and still do) of specific soluble proteins precipitating on 
the Cellulose membrane
of the Amicon. By  switching to the Vivaspins, which have a 
polyethersulfone  membrane, the precipitation completely vanished.
This  seems to be very protein dependend as many seem to be able to use 
both systems with no or little problems.
I don't know if the type of membrane really makes the difference but it 
could be a possible explanation.
I unfortunately have less expierence with these systems on membrane 
proteins and I only know that both systems seem to work fine for 
colleagues who work on membrane proteins.

Best Regards,

P.G.M. Gutte
PhD student

Institute of Biochemistry
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich
Tel: +41 (0)44 635 55 02