Now here is a puzzle.  I am running two instances of the same WinBUGS model on the same (dual processor) computer.  They are running the identical code, and the identical datasame files.

One of them hangs up every half million iterations or so with Cannot bracket slicerestarts with no problems, but loses time, especially overnight or when Im having dinner.  The other one just keeps on trucking, right now has about 15M iterations under its belt and is still going, no problems.

Any explanation would be welcome; even more would be advice on how to get the bad one behaving like the good one.

WinBUGS will be great if they ever get it finished.

Michael C.S. Kingsley

Rua Principal, Cortiça

Apartado No 3

3300--357 São Martinho da Cortiça


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tlf: +351 23 945 8224

tml: +351 91 657 4590

skype: mcskingsley

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