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Dear Colleagues,
at the upcoming EASA 2012 Conference in Paris from 10 to 13 July 2012, we
offer a workshop (W029) titled: Violence and Resilience in South-Eastern
Europe. We invite all interested scholars in the topic to submit their paper
proposal via online form on the EASA website by November 28, 2011.

With best wishes,

Hanna Kienzler (McGill University) [log in to unmask]

Enkelejda Sula-Raxhimi (University of Montréal) [log in to unmask]

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*Workshop abstract*

In South-Eastern Europe, political and structural violence go beyond death,
disease, trauma and anxiety, to include the pervasive effects of the
destruction of the economic, political and social fabric of society. This
workshop invites papers that explore the consequences of such violence by
tracing them in individual biographies, life trajectories, collective memory
and communal strategies for coping with and being resilient to violence,
adversity and uncertainty. In particular, the papers should describe and
analyse the situated, manifold and complex interconnections between
violence, larger social forces and individual suffering and ways in which
they affect individual and collective perceptions of reality, identity and
expectations for the future.

Expanding on the work of other anthropologists who have tried to make sense
of different forms of violence, we argue that violence is pervasive,
ancient, infinitely various and a central fact of human life, but also
poorly understood in general. At the same time and despite these "conceptual
uncertainties", it is, among other things, "a cultural problem" which
requires attention to the details of its meanings and enactments by social
actors in particular contexts. Adopting Sherry Ortner's notion of "serious
games", the workshop emphasizes the social aspects of violence through
different case studies by arguing that it is shaped, maintained and appeased
through the expression of personal and subjective experiences in connection
with larger social actors such as the state, international organizations,
transnational flows of finances, and the global media.

*Proposal submission:*

Call for papers:**

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