

The latest issue of The Reasoner is now freely available for download in pdf format at

Editorial - Niki Pfeifer

Interview with Wilfrid Hodges - Niki Pfeifer

Against Cognitive Segregation: An Inseparable Connection between Creativity and Criticality - A. Minh Nguyen

Bolzano & Frege on Infinitely Many Truths-a Dialogue - Jeroen Smid

Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems, 17-18 July - Jo~ao Leite & Paolo Torroni

Logic, rationality and interaction, 27 August - Jianying Cui, Hans van Ditmarsch & Jerome Lang

Experimental Philosophy Group, 17-18 September - Bryony Pierce

Causality and Explanation in the Sciences, 19-21 September - Raoul Gervais & Lazslo Kosolosky

Computer Simulations and the Changing Face of Scientific Experimentation, 21-23 September - Eckhart Arnold

Social Epistemology, 25 February (Lund) and 27 September (Copenhagen) - Frank Zenker

Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence, 3-4 October - Vincent C. Muller

Evolving Knowledge in Theory and Applications, 4 October - Christoph Beierle & Gabriele Kern-Isberner

Modal and Epistemic Logic, 13-14 October - Rasmus K. Rendsvig

Algorithm Game Theory, 17-19 October - Diodato Ferraioli

Logic and Rational Interaction - Ben Rodenhäuser

Uncertain Reasoning - Hykel Hosni

The Reasoner ( is a monthly digest highlighting exciting
new research on reasoning, inference and method broadly construed. It is interdisciplinary,
covering research in, e.g., philosophy, logic, AI, statistics, cognitive science, 
law, psychology, mathematics and the sciences. 

The Reasoner welcomes submissions:
- Submitted articles (100-1000 words)
- Submitted items of news
- Letters
- Conference announcements
- Job announcements
- Advertisements

Jon Williamson, Editor
Federica Russo, Features Editor
Lorenzo Casini, News Editor
Michael Wilde, Production Editor

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