

1) New module on our on-line course: Module 9: Single-level and multilevel models for
ordinal responses.

In Module 6 we saw how multiple regression models for continuous responses can
be generalised to handle binary responses, and in Module 7 these models were
further extended for the analysis of binary data with a two-level hierarchical
structure. This module considers standard (single-level) and multilevel models
for ordinal categorical response variables, where the numeric codes assigned to
categories imply some ordering. We begin with a description of two approaches
for the analysis of single-level ordinal data:

a) the cumulative logit model which is appropriate for variables such as Likert
scale items, where respondents are asked to indicate their strength of
agreement with a statement from 'strongly agree' to 'strongly disagree', and
educational tests where marks are available as grades rather than percentage
scores; and

b) the continuation ratio model for ordinal responses that can be viewed as the
result of a series of sequential decisions or actions (e.g. highest level of
educational qualifications).

We then show how the cumulative logit model can be extended for the analysis of
data with a two-level hierarchical structure. Further details:

2) LSE's Department of Statistics is running a two-day conference on social
statistics honouring the scientific contributions of Professor emeritus David J
Bartholomew. This takes place on 12-13 December 2011 in the Hong Kong Theatre,
Clement House, London School of Economics. The registration fee of £75 for the
two days includes a buffet and a sandwich lunch.

Further details:

With best regards

Hilary Browne
Centre for Multilevel Modelling
University of Bristol
2 Priory Road
Bristol       BS8 1TX

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