

Dear Colleagues,


There seem to be a number of different dyslexia qualifications available and I’m confused about which really add value and are necessary for practitioners.  I would be really interested to hear from practitioners (dyslexia tutors/advisors) about qualifications they have gained which they really value or whether colleagues feel generally that there should be a benchmark level of qualification which practitioners should have.


Any thoughts?

Best wishes,


Lynda Tout

Inclusion Co-ordinator

Disability & Inclusion Advice Service

Student Support

University College Plymouth St Mark & St John,  Derriford Road, Plymouth, PL6 8BH 
            Phone:  01752 636700     Web: 
 Principal: Professor Margaret Noble A Church of England College Founded in 1840
University College Plymouth St Mark & St John is a registered charity the trustee 
   of which is a company limited by guarantee registered in England No. 7635609