

Dear Zooarch:


 Does anyone have pdf's of the following works:


 H. Epstein 1956 On the origin of Africander cattle, with comments on the classification and evolution of zebu cattle in general. Zeitschrift fur Tierzuchtung und Zuchtungsbiologie 66: 97-148.


 S. J. Olsen 1960 Post-cranial skeletal characteristics of Bison and Bos. Papers of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology 25 (4).

 I know that zebu has been reported from Deir 'Alla (Jordan) and Tell Jemmeh (Israel). Is anyone aware of additional occurrences of zebu in the southern Levant between the Bronze Age-Roman periods?
 Many thanks in advance. I hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Edward F. Maher, Ph.D. 
North Central College
Naperville, IL
Research Associate
Department of Anthropology
The Field Museum
Chicago, IL